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Addiction is a powerful thing, and overcoming it only gets harder over time. There is hope, however. There are many treatment centers to help overcome addiction in a meaningful way. You can find a specific one personalized for you, whether you need an alcohol addiction treatment center or a cocaine addiction treatment center.


Here are a few stories from individuals who were able to reclaim their lives and freedom at our treatment center for drug addiction.


Josh drank recreationally when he was younger, but became dependent on alcohol as he aged.


“I always thought my life would go a certain way. I drank sometimes but I wasn’t like a binge drinker or anything. I started getting depressed though, I didn’t even realize it when it was happening.”

A man standing by a lake

Drinking quickly turned into a way to cope with not having the things I wanted. My job kind of sucked. Like, I made enough money, but it was so boring. I was just waking up every day to work and then sleep again.

Drinking to ignore my depression really quickly turned into alcohol addiction. I didn’t know that my family was predisposed to addiction, and the depression didn’t help either.”

Recognizing the problem

“I was kind of by myself, didn’t have family or a regular group of friends nearby, especially when I was a drunk recluse most of the time.

A man thinking

It was actually when someone at work quit and told me about his new job and how excited he was and I realized how much I didn’t care.

I didn’t care about him leaving or his success.

I didn’t care about being stuck in a lifeless job.

I didn’t care about anything. And that’s when I realized I had a problem.”

Finding treatment and counseling

“I was really skeptical of alcohol rehab centers, so I found Still Water Wellness on Google and decided to give them a try.

Still Water was awesome. There were addiction treatment specialists to help me control my alcohol cravings and also mental health specialists (and medication) to help me with the depression.

I couldn’t have come out of this without treating both things at the same time, and this place had all the stuff I needed for both.”

josh’s recovery at still water wellness

Josh spent a lot of his recovery time enjoying the outdoors. He spent time at a sober living home under the care of his treatment providers after his detox to enjoy the social aspect.

Medication assisted treatment at a treatment center for addiction helped him return to living freely.


Stephanie fell into the well of addiction in middle school.

how it started

“I started experimenting with drugs as a teenager. It was cool and it was an escape from all the…stuff going on at home. I spent years under the influence of any drug I could find, and I tried just about anything.

I moved out in high school. I was too high to even think about a job, and I wasn’t coherent enough to really have a plan.

I missed a lot of my formative years because of substance abuse. I lived on the streets.”

A lady standing at the balcony
A lady undergoing counselling

looking for counseling and support

“I won’t go into details, but it took me over 10 years of hard substance abuse before I even started to think about getting help. I was at my lowest point and desperately reached out to family for either help or other drugs.

I was desperate.”

it was time to seek treatment

“They got me into an addiction treatment center near me It was incredible actually. When I came in I didn’t have the life skills to take care of myself even if I was clean.

It was a long road, but they taught me a lot. I had to basically rebuild myself, physically and mentally.”

stephanie’s recovery at still water wellness

Stephanie benefited from specialists and mental health experts at our center for addiction treatment, as well as learned how to take care of herself physically, mentally, and emotionally.


Michael was in an accident that required a long healing process. The longer the pain went on, the less the medication worked and the more he had to take to actually feel relief.

how it started

“After my accident I was on pain medication for a long time. It was rough, I was pretty banged up.

I was taking pills religiously because if I stopped the pain came right back.

After a while it was more of a habit, but I found that missing the pills still made me feel awful even though I should’ve healed.”

A man seating by the lake

painful withdrawal symptoms

“It was hard to tell where the pain stopped and the withdrawal symptoms started and I stayed on those pain meds for a long time.”

Opened medicated pills

families affected by addiction

“My sister has been through substance use disorder and I wanted to get help before it affected my job and family in the same ways it did with her.

I came for a treatment program and ended up getting a whole community of help.”

addiction recovery and health support

“I was honestly super worried about it feeling really clinical, like it wouldn’t help me if it just reminded me of the hospital, but they really made it more like a home. The environment did just as much for my mental health as the counseling did.”

Michael’s recovery at still water wellness

Michael really enjoyed participating in the holistic addiction treatment center methods available, including outdoor activities, yoga, and even nutrition work.


A drug addiction treatment center has the right treatment plans in place or ready to individualize to your personal recovery. Still Water Wellness Group has more comprehensive women and men’s addiction treatment center options than traditional alcohol rehab centers or a drug specific detox like a heroin addiction treatment center, benzo addiction treatment center, prescription drug addiction treatment center or a meth addiction treatment center.

Located in beautiful Lake Forest, we help everyone from locals to other Californians who may not be content with options in their area like Marysville addiction treatment center or San Diego addiction treatment center. We even have many clients who may not find the drug addiction treatment center Mississippi, Louisiana or other state that works for them.

With holistic and medication assisted treatment, our treatment facility can really turn clients’ lives around.

A happy person