Getting out of rehab is a significant and exciting achievement – it’s the first step towards living a normal and fulfilling life. However, staying clean for weeks, months, and years is a huge challenge in itself. Here you will find strategies to help you balance your life after addiction recovery.
How will you balance rehab and say no to a guy who invites you to go out and have drinks at the bar? Will that new job expose you to using illegal drugs? How will you ensure your commitment to sobriety? These are just a few but a tip of how post-life addiction can be overwhelming.
The good news is that you don’t have to go through this alone. Achieving equilibrium post-addiction is the key to facing that monster. Not only will it help you develop healthy habits, but it will also help you redirect your focus and time from addiction to doing other healthy activities. Don’t know where to start? We’ve got you covered.
In this comprehensive guide, we will be sharing tips on achieving balance when it comes to work, relationships, and personal well-being recovery. We will also offer success stories of those who have been addicted and are now living a happy and fulfilling life. Lastly, we will share therapy and support networks to help you achieve and sustain a balanced rehabilitation. Stick around to continue your recovery from alcoholism or addiction!
Achieving Equilibrium Post-Addiction – A Handy Guide
Before we dive into the tips, let’s expound more on the challenges that one is likely to face after getting addicted out of rehab.
Challenges in Finding Equilibrium After Addiction Recovery
Loneliness and Boredom
After rehabilitation, the last thing you want to do is to engage with people who got you there in the first place. As a result, you distance yourself from such people, which automatically leads to boredom. You will not see that buddy you used to share drinks with for a long time. Family members, too, are no exception. You will feel the urge to distance yourself from family members who do drugs.
When you distance yourself entirely, the loneliness and boredom start to creep in. Such feelings start to trigger a relapse. You don’t have friends or family to hang out with. This kind of stress can fuel you to look for a drug to fill in the void.
Adopting New Coping Strategies
Depressed man crying and wiping tears with handkerchief with helpful friends near by
Achieving a balanced life after addiction recovery is a lot more than doing away with drugs or alcohol. You have to adopt a new lifestyle and let go of bad habits. Frankly, this is no easy job. While during rehab, you are taught new coping strategies to help you deal with the cravings as well as reduce stress and anxiety. Putting them into action can be pretty difficult. Not to worry, this is quite normal. Even sober people take a while to adopt new habits.
However, to easily navigate the old lifestyle and adopt a new lifestyle, it is essential to redirect your focus from bad habits and engage in more healthy activities. Going for therapy and joining support groups like Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) or Narcotics Anonymous (NA) is an excellent way of coping.
Neglecting Self Care
Rehab programs create a protective bubble offering structure and support. Once you are out of rehab, that bubble bursts, and you have to create your structure. While getting your freedom back is exciting, you must manage more responsibilities, including finding a job to keep your finances in check. Bouncing back to such responsibilities may be overwhelming and many a time self-care may be difficult.
To attain a balanced rehab, it’s essential to ensure that both your physical and mental health are well taken care of. Ensure you eat a balanced diet, get enough sleep, exercise regularly, and, most importantly, don’t forget to attend your appointments, be it with your therapist or doctor.
Romanticizing Past Substance Abuse
Romanticizing past substance abuse is a challenge that almost every person faces after rehab.
As time passes by, you begin to have moments of euphoria. More often than not, such feelings outweigh the negative emotions of what you went through using the drug, instead of thinking about how the drug did so much harm. Your mind fixates on the excitement. This romanticization is a psychological defense mechanism, a seductive allure that can drive individuals into using drugs again.
The best way to manage romanticization is to acknowledge the reality of the damage caused. Also, addressing the psychological traumas that led you to use the drug can go a long way in making sure you do away with them entirely.
It’s a Journey, Not a Race
Most people assume that once they are out of rehab, everything else will go on swiftly. Everyone has a unique path, and your recovery journey is different. It’s normal to experience setbacks now and then. But it’s also normal to get up and face them head-on. Attended two support group meetings? That’s an achievement Acknowledge that and aim to do it more often.
Bailed out on a family event cause you know there will be drugs there? That’s also an achievement. It’s these small achievements that fuel you to get to full sobriety. By prioritizing yourself and remaining focused and consistent, you will be good to go.
How to Balance Rehabilitation – Practical Tips to Attain Work, Relationships, and Personal Well-Being Recovery
Establish a Routine
As mentioned earlier, one of the top reasons why people relapse is due to a lack of structure and routine. With you being used to a daily schedule in the rehab, it’s pretty normal to lose track of everything once you are out. No longer will you wake up, have breakfast, attend support group meetings, go for lunch, exercise, take supper, sleep and wake up to the same routine again.
That said, you need to establish a routine to attain a balanced rehabilitation. Begin by allocating specific times for essential activities like waking up, working, meals, exercise, and relaxation. From there, integrate support group meetings or therapy sessions into your routine. By doing this, you will have less time to even romanticize post-drug abuse.
Build a Support System
While isolating yourself from bad company is important, it’s also essential to surround yourself with people who would significantly impact your addiction recovery journey. We mean to say that cutting off everybody from your life isn’t a good move. Take time to recognize people who care as much as you do about your recovery journey.
Your support system can be from friends, family, and individuals who have been in the same position as you. Support group meetings and therapy sessions are also of great importance.
Avoid High-Risk Situations
When you are out of rehab, you have so much freedom, and it’s up to you to decide where and when to spend your time. Environments that may trigger cravings or temptations to use substances should be the last places you spend your time.
Want to visit a friend, but the neighborhood is full of drug dealers? It’s not worth going there. Got invited to a birthday party? Do you believe there will be drugs there? Avoiding such places is an excellent way of achieving equilibrium after addiction recovery.
Learn Stress Management Techniques After Addiction Recovery
More often than not, most people suffering from addiction have trauma or shame to deal with. They use drugs or alcohol to escape from reality. After rehab, you will be challenged to deal with trauma and shame without the aid of these addictive substances. While it can be difficult, learning stress management techniques can help you navigate it.
Take deep breaths, meditate, or do yoga when things get out of control. Don’t forget to go to therapy also. Having someone to vent those emotions to can make a big difference when dealing with any form of trauma or shame.
Celebrate Progress and Be Patient With Yourself in Recovery
Every small progress after rehab deserves to be celebrated. Have you adopted a new hobby instead of staying idle in the house? That is a small accomplishment! Failed to attend one support meeting but showed up to the rest? Don’t beat yourself up about missing one; appreciate the rest. It’s the small things that motivate us to be our best selves.
Lastly, go easy on yourself. Change is moderate. There will be smooth days, and there will be tough days with lots of setbacks. So, be patient and trust the process.
Inspiring Stories of People Who Have Successfully Maintained Balance Post Addiction
Josh’s Commitment to Change
“I had been battling my meth addiction for 17 years and had been in and out of prison and county jail for that whole period of time. I was cut off from my entire family and had forgotten what it was like to be a normal member of society. This program changed my life, and I have 2 and a half years sober now. I have been given the gift of sobriety and happiness and I am able to pass on the message to others now.”
Josh has now immersed himself in a new hobby, surrounded himself with positive influences, and achieved most of his sobriety goals, all thanks to Still Water Wellness Group.
Selena’s Journey to Wellness
“I had been struggling with addiction for almost 8 years before I finally got clean. I had been to over five or six treatment centers in the year before I came here. This is the first place that I stayed at, because it felt like they invested in me and really cared, and I wasn’t just another client. This place turned into my second family. I am so grateful for this program and all the friends I’ve gained. I can say with confidence that I am a responsible, productive member of society today.”
By prioritizing self-care and staying connected to her support system, Selena has successfully navigated post-addiction life.
Marlene’s Pursuit to Personal Development after Addiction Recovery
“I was at the lowest place in my life a few years ago. I was beaten down and broken. Nobody in my family would talk to me, and I had no place to live and had lost all my possessions. I went through the program and it completely changed my life for the better. I have been sober for 3 years now. My son and daughter-in-law also went through the program, and our whole family has been reunited.”
Marlene’s commitment to continuous self-improvement provided her with a sense of purpose beyond her addiction. This has contributed to her successful maintenance of balance rehabilitation.
Role of Therapy and Support Networks in Achieving and Sustaining Equilibrium
Therapy and support networks are critical component that impacts a person’s recovery journey. In fact, according to a 2016 study, peer support groups are more promising compared to just dealing with the addiction recovery journey on your own. A person’s support network can include the following;
- 12-step programs: This includes groups like Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous
- Recovery-specific groups: These groups gather for a particular purpose or an activity.
- Connections made during rehab: These are the people you bond with during a rehabilitation program.
- Recovery forums and websites: These are websites or platforms that allow people to discuss their issues, share experiences, and take part in activities together,
- Family and friends: They make a strong support system given that they truly know who you are without the addiction.
Now that you know who makes up the support system, let’s take a look at why you need it to balance rehab.
Offer Fellowship
Let’s face it – we feel more comfortable around people who share the same goals and interests. Support groups offer just that! When groups gather together for a specific purpose, fellowship is felt, and one is at peace knowing that they are not alone in the addiction recovery journey.
Structured Approach
Without a structured approach, the recovery process can prove to be challenging. However, programs like AA and NA provide a structured step-by-step approach to recovery. You are guided through self-reflection, amends, and ongoing spiritual and personal growth.
Emotional Support after Addiction Recovery
After rehab, it’s pretty hard to vent out your emotions to those around you due to fear of judgment. Therapies and support groups, however, offer a safe space where you can truly express your feelings, fears, and challenges without worrying about being judged.
Goal Setting and Accountability
One critical step anyone should not miss in their recovery journey is failing to identify their goals. Both longterm and shortterm. With therapy sessions, you can identify who you want to be and the simple steps to get you there.
Support groups, on the other hand, help ensure accountability during the recovery process. Most people struggle with honesty issues, especially when it comes to admitting their desire to use a drug despite their recovery efforts. Groups offer a friendly observation in that the people within the group can recognize issues and signs of relapse.
As we conclude, achieving and maintaining a balance in rehabilitation shouldn’t stress you. With you knowing why you need to stop using the drug, having a structured routine, going to therapy sessions, and attending group meetings will help you navigate through the challenges. Also, keep in mind that it’s a journey, not a race!
Still Water Wellness Group welcomes all who are chained in drug addiction and don’t know where to begin. Based in enchanting Lake Forest CA, we help you find a purpose, balance rehabilitation, and most importantly regain your sobriety.
Start your addiction recovery process with – contact us today – our admissions are available 24/7!