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Substance abuse is a problem that impacts individuals from every walk of life. Regardless of what your life situation looks like, there’s a chance that someone in your family will struggle with an addiction to drugs or alcohol at some point in their life.

If that happens, you’ll want to do what you can to help the person that you care about get started on the road to recovery. That often means encouraging them to check into residential drug treatment.

However, this can be a difficult subject to broach with a family member. You may be worrying about what to say and how to say it. If so, keep reading. We’ve included all of the information that you need to know about having these tough conversations below.

Does my family member need rehab?

The first thing to do is to make sure that your family member is actually ready for rehab. To do that, you need to be able to identify the common signs of substance abuse disorders. Once you do, you’ll be able to use your knowledge to make sure you’re recommending the right treatment option for your loved one.

There are lots of different symptoms that can signify if a person has a substance abuse issue. Generally, your goal should be to observe the person’s behavior over a period of time and try to analyze whether their life is being thrown off track by substance use.

For example, a person in your family could be missing work to abuse a substance. Or they might be pulling away from their friends and family. You could also notice them being more moody than usual or declining physical health.

All of these symptoms can be signs of a substance abuse problem. If you notice one or more of them, then it could be time for you to talk with your family member about seeking treatment.

How to talk to a family member about checking into residential drug treatment

Talking with a family member about their substance abuse problems can feel daunting. But you can increase the chances of your conversation being successful if you approach them in the right way.

The first step is making sure that you pick the right time to talk with them. You shouldn’t have the conversation when they’re under the influence, busy, or around other people who they may not be comfortable opening up in front.

Next, think about what will resonate with the person. To do this, you need to understand what’s important to the person. For example, if they have a family, you could talk about how their substance use is impacting the family. Or if they’re career-oriented you could talk about how the problem is pulling them in the opposite direction of their goals.

Finally, make sure that you don’t give in to your emotions while talking with the family member. These conversations can be tough enough already. But they’ll get even more challenging if you allow emotions like anger, hurt, or sadness to control how you speak with your loved one.

What to do if your loved one is resistant

Substance abuse problems change how a person thinks and interacts with the people they love most. Even though your intention is to help your loved one heal, they may respond to your attempts to talk about their substance abuse problems negatively.

If this happens to you, it’s important not to give up. You may need to have this conversation with your family member a few times before they respond positively to it. You will need to approach them when they’re in a receptive mood and it’s impossible to predict when that will happen.

Even if your loved one responds with anger, try to remember that’s their addiction talking and not them. The longer you support them by having these conversations with them, the greater your chances of eventually succeeding and getting them to check into residential drug treatment.

Get your family member the support they need through the Still Water Wellness Group

Conversations about residential treatment may be easier if you can suggest a place for your loved one to check into. That’s why you should look into the Still Water Wellness Group.

We provide comprehensive, personalized drug treatment plans in a facility that your family member will be comfortable in. Our addiction specialists are standing by to answer your questions and to tell you more about how the Still Water Wellness Group can help.

Get in touch with us today to learn more.